Submissions open for #AoIR2019

We are pleased to open submissions for proposals for AoIR 2019: Trust in the System (Brisbane, Australia, 2-5 October 2019). To re-familiarize yourself with the call for proposals and types of submissions solicited, please see here:...

Call for AoIR2021 Conference Host

The Executive Committee of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) is now seeking expressions of interest from prospective Conference Hosts for the annual meeting of the Association in October 2021. The AoIR conference draws an international group of 500-600...

#AoIR2018 Best Student Paper Award

The Best Student Paper Award for #AoIR2018 Montreal goes to David Myles for his paper Anne Goes Rogue for Abortion Rights! Exploring Discursive Materialization Across and Beyond Online Platforms. This presentation examines the social media campaign #SupportIslandWomen...

2018-2019 Executive Committee – New

Kat Tiidenberg 2018-2019 AoIR Executive Committee – Secretary Who are you? Tell us a little bit about yourself. I always want to say: “I don’t know,” in answer to this question, and then I always worry it’s a bad sign I don’t know. I suppose that might be telling in...

2018 Best Dissertation Award

The Best Dissertation Award for 2018 goes to Dr. Stacy Blasiola for her work “The Privacy of Others” (University of Illinois at Chicago). Dr. Blasiola's dissertation asked the question, "What does privacy look like when it is the privacy of others at stake?" Using a...