Mailing List
Our community of Internet researchers thrives because of our flagship “air-l” mailing list. This email list is maintained by the Association of Internet Researchers for all scholars in this field, whether or not they are members. Currently, the list has over 5000 subscribers and provides an excellent environment in which to disseminate information, discuss key research concerns, and network with similarly-minded scholars.
The air-l list is subject to the Association’s standard of conduct. Before joining or contributing, please look over the email list rules and etiquette.
- To subscribe to air-l, please fill out the following form. Once the form has been submitted and reviewed, your subscription will be confirmed via email.
- To manage your existing subscription, as well as view archives, visit the subscription management page.
- If already subscribed, to send email to the entire list, send it to air-l [at] listserv [dot] aoir [dot] org.
- A subscription management help file is available by emailing air-l-request [at] listserv [dot] aoir [dot] org. Type “help” (no quotation marks) in the subject line or body of the message.
- To contact the list manager, send a message to air-l-owner [at] listserv [dot] aoir [dot] org.