The Best Student Paper Award for #AoIR2018 Montreal goes to David Myles for his paper Anne Goes Rogue for Abortion Rights! Exploring Discursive Materialization Across and Beyond Online Platforms. This presentation examines the social media campaign #SupportIslandWomen that was undertaken by reproductive rights activists in Prince Edward Island (PEI), the last Canadian province to offer abortion services. Drawing from socio-material approaches and actor-network theory, the paper analyzes ‘discursive practice’ as a nexus of various actors (both human/nonhuman, symbolic/material) that intervene in interaction and generate certain effects. The program committee was impressed by the relevance of the topic to the conference thematic and he author’s deft and nuanced deployment of theories and methods that represents an exemplary confluence of the material and imaginary in the paper’s argument and analysis.
You will be able to hear more about David’s paper and speak to him in Montréal, Saturday, 13 October 2018: 9:00am – 10:30am.