The Best Dissertation Award for 2019 goes to Erhardt Graeff for "Evaluating Civic Technology for Citizen Empowerment" (MIT Center for Civic Media). Dr. Graeff’s dissertation posed the question: “How might we design civic technologies for citizen empowerment and...
Call for Proposals to host the AoIR Flashpoint Symposium in 2020
To supplement our annual October conference, and to follow up on the success of the Inaugural AoIR Flashpoint Symposium to be held in Urbino, Italy on 24 June 2019, the Association of Internet Researchers is seeking proposals for a one-day AoIR Flashpoint Symposium...
2019 Nancy Baym Book Award
It’s a great honor to announce that AoIR’s book award committee has chosen The Digital Street by Jeffrey Lane (Oxford University Press) as this year’s Nancy Baym Book Award winner. The committee have also recognized Robert Gehl’s Weaving the Dark Web: Legitimacy on...
AoIR2019 Travel Scholarship Application Information
In order to increase the diversity of participation in the annual AoIR conferences, the Association of Internet Researchers makes available several conference fee waivers and travel stipends per year. These stipends are mostly funded through the generosity of our...
2019-21 AoIR Executive Committee Election Results
We are excited to announce the results of our recent election for the AoIR Executive Committee. But first, some thank yous and some information about the election. AoIR would like to thank our election monitors, Alex Halavais and Andra Siibak, who, in accordance with...
AoIR Flashpoint Symposium Keynote Speakers
We are pleased to present the Keynote Speakers for AoIR's Flashpoint Symposium. Dr. Crystal Abidin Dr Crystal Abidin is a digital anthropologist and ethnographer of vernacular internet cultures. She researches young people’s relationships with internet celebrity,...
2019-2021 AoIR Executive Committee Nominations
AoIR is now seeking your nominations for the new Executive Committee, to take office in October of this year and serve until October 2021. Below, you will find: a) a timeframe for the election, b) a description of the AoIR governance system and of the elected...
2019 Nancy Baym Book Award Nominations
We are pleased to call for nominations for the Nancy Baym Annual Book Award. Named after former Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) president Nancy Baym, this award recognizes the best scholarship of AoIR and highlights the breadth of work relating to the...
2019 AoIR Dissertation Award
The Association of Internet Researchers calls for submissions for the 2019 AoIR Dissertation Award. To be eligible for the AoIR Dissertation Award, a PhD dissertation in the area of internet research must have been filed in the 2018 calendar year. Nominations (self...
Remembering Ben Bates
Ben Bates served as the first Treasurer of AoIR from 1999 to 2005. He was not only one of the first to step up and volunteer his time to AoIR in 1999, but he was also one of the first to spread word of it at other conferences that he went to, such as AEJMC (the...