It’s a great honor to announce that AoIR’s book award committee has chosen The Digital Street by Jeffrey Lane (Oxford University Press) as this year’s Nancy Baym Book Award winner.
The committee have also recognized Robert Gehl’s Weaving the Dark Web: Legitimacy on Freenet, Tor, and I2P (MIT Press) with an Honorable Mention.
The Digital Street is a compelling ethnography of the overlapping codes of disadvantaged girls and boys on the streets of Harlem and on digital media. He shows the overlaps, disconnects, and, perhaps most importantly, the opportunities social media may offer for intervening in youth violence. Its combination of urban ethnography with the digital provides a model both for ethnographers unused to considering the digital, and for digital ethnographers less versed in urban approaches. Read more about it here.
Weaving the Dark Web is a methodologically and theoretically rich analysis of the constituting concepts of the Dark Web that provides insights of use to anyone concerned with alternative histories or futures of the internet. Learn more here.
Every year it is challenging to pick a winner, but never more so than this year. The depth and breadth of work coming from our community is extraordinary. The committee grateful for all the submissions.
AoIR would also like to recognize and thank the committee – Jeff Hemsley, Nicholas John, Katrin Tiidenberg, and Nancy Baym, Chair, for their work on this year’s committee.