The Association of Internet Researchers calls for submissions for the 2021 AoIR Dissertation Award. To be eligible for the AoIR Dissertation Award, a PhD dissertation in the area of internet research must have been filed in the 2020 calendar year. Nominations (self...
2021-23 AoIR Executive Committee Nominations
On 11 March 2021, AoIR will open your nominations for the new Executive Committee, to take office in October of this year and serve until October 2023. Below, you will find: a) a timeframe for the election, b) a description of the AoIR governance system and of the...
Updated Conference Information for AoIR2021
AoIR 2021 is going virtual! And everyone’s invited! Due to ongoing public health concerns and travel restrictions, AoIR has been able to renegotiate our hotel contract in Philadelphia, PA (U.S.A.). This means that AoIR 2021 WILL BE A FULLY VIRTUAL CONFERENCE that will...
Call for Organizers of the Critical Race and Internet Studies (CRIS) day of the 2021 AoIR conference
Deadline: 31 January 2021 This call seeks proposals for an individual or group who has a history of affiliation with the Association of Internet Researchers to organize a full day in-person event devoted to Critical Race and Internet Studies to take place on Day 1,...
Report on the #AoIR2020 conference
Read about the awards given at the AoIR2020_AGM_Presentation This is what many virtual conferences look like. And these images are two of many from the #AoIR2020 conference. So what was different about AoIR2020? Here’s how...
A statement from the AoIR Executive Committee and 20/21 Conference Chairs
The AoIR Executive has become aware that a particular paper proposal that was accepted to this year’s conference has caused harm, and we acknowledge that our processes have failed to prevent this harm. AoIR embraces Diversity and Inclusion and we expect all members...
2020 Best Dissertation Award
The Best Dissertation Award for 2020 goes to Dr. Elisabetta Ferrari's dissertation, "The Technological Imaginaries of Social Movements: The Discursive Dimension of Communication Technology and the Fight for Social Justice?" Dr. Ferrari's study investigates the...
AoIR2020 Life (Online) Participation Opportunities
The AoIR Executive Board and #AoIR2020 Host Committee is pleased to share with you details about the upcoming #AoIR2020 conference. As you may know, AoIR has decided that the conference that was scheduled to take place in Dublin will now be hosted as a virtual event...
#ShutDownAcademia and #Strike4BlackLives
Today, the Association of Internet Researchers joins in the worldwide movements to #ShutDownAcademia and #Strike4BlackLives. We condemn anti-Black racism and brutality and support those who have been participating in demonstrations and working against systemic racism....
Update on AoIR2020
The Association of Internet Researchers has decided that the annual conference that was scheduled to take place in Dublin on October 28 - 31, 2020 will now be hosted as a virtual event to take place over a two-week period in October. The conference is still six months...