Top Student Paper: IR 14.0

We are happy to announce the best student paper for this year. Matthew Crain, from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, will be presenting "Financial Markets and Online Advertising Demand: Reevaluating the Dotcom Investment Bubble." The conference committee...

IR14.0 Travel Grant Applications

In order to increase the diversity of participation in the AoIR annual Internet Research (IR) conferences, the Association of Internet Researchers makes available up to four conference fee waivers and travel stipends per year. This year we will especially favor...

Call for Papers, IR 14.0

Call for Papers Internet Research 14.0: Resistance and Appropriation 23-26 October 2013 Denver, USA Internet Research 14.0 will focus on the theme of Resistance and Appropriation. Many people think of the internet and related technologies as basic infrastructure — a...

IR12.0 (Seattle) Call for Papers

Internet Research 12.0 – Performance and Participation The 12th Annual International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) October 10-13, 2011 Renaissance Hotel, Seattle Seattle, Washington, USA People perform identities,...