The third Association of Internet Researchers special issue of Information, Communication & Society has recently been published, edited by Caroline Haythornthwaite and Lori Kendall. It includes papers selected from the Internet Research 10.0 conference in Milwaukee, including:
- Bridging disability divides: A critical history of web content accessibility through 2001, by Elizabeth Ellcessor
- The interpenetration of technical and legal decision-making for the internet, by Sandra Braman
- YouTube and Proposition 8: A case study in video activism, by Kjerstin Thorson, Brian Ekdale, Porismita Borah, Kang Namkoong, and Chirag Shah
- The experience of connectivity: Results from a survey of Australian internet users, by Matthew Allen
- How offline gatherings affect online communities: When virtual community members ‘meetup’, by Lauren F. Sessions
- How executives perceive the net generation, by Karine Barzilai-Nahon & Robert M. Mason
- Citizenship and communication in online youth civic engagement projects, by Chris Wells
- Getting the whole picture? New information and communication technologies in healthcare work and organization, by
- Susan Halford, Ann Therese Lotherington, Aud Obstfelder, and Kari Dyb