We are thrilled to announce that we are now accepting submissions for AoIR 2016 in Berlin! There are a couple items to note as you prepare your submissions. First, as in previous years, you are limited to four total contributions as main or co-contributor. We have a...
IR16 Submissions Now Open!
Submissions are open for IR16, linked here. There are a couple of items to take note of as you are assembling your submissions and you can find more information on both on the linked page. First, as in previous years, you are limited to presenting twice during the...
IR15: Doctoral Colloquium — Call for Submissions
**Updated June 06, 2014** The Association of Internet Researchers believes that its emerging researchers are the best in the disparate fields that constitute the field/s. In keeping with its commitment to students’ scholarship, we continue the tradition of bringing...
Call for Papers, IR 14.0
Call for Papers Internet Research 14.0: Resistance and Appropriation 23-26 October 2013 Denver, USA Internet Research 14.0 will focus on the theme of Resistance and Appropriation. Many people think of the internet and related technologies as basic infrastructure — a...