AoIR Elections 2007

by | Jun 14, 2007 | Conferences, Elections, Ethics, Publications


Please note the different timing for officers and other positions

1. Call for Nominations: July 23, 2007

2. Nominations close for the 3 officer positions: August 6, 2007
Nominations close for the 1 grad student and 3 open seats on the executive: August 22, 2007

3. Ballot sent to members August 23, 2007

4. Voting begins: August 23, 2007

5. Voting ends for 3 officer positions: September 3, 2007
Voting ends for 1 grad student and 3 open seats: September 22, 2007

The new committee is formally announced and assumes its duties at the end of the General Meeting AoIR
conference, October 2007.

During the period of voting, a forum will be available for discussion with candidates. Candidates’ statements will also be made available with the ballot sent to members.

The organizational structure of AoIR is simple. There are 4 officers, 3 open seat representatives, 1 graduate student representative and 2 appointed positions who together with the Immediate Past President make up the 11-member executive committee that runs the show. Elected officials hold their positions for two years. In this election, you are invited to nominate yourself or anyone else whom you think would do a good job, for any position other than the President – the current Vice President assumes the Presidency.

Here are brief descriptions of positions
1. President: the “CEO”, supervises the organization, performs certain legally required duties. [The Current VP becomes the President]

2. Vice President: “back up” for President, various duties as they arise; *becomes President after 2 years*

3. Secretary: Handles records and membership matters.

4. Treasurer: Handles the money; liaises with secretary over membership

5. Graduate Student Representative: responsible for running graduate student acitivities (must be a grad student, but all can vote)

6-8. Open Committee Seats: Three open Seats on the Executive Committee Represent membership of AoIR, contribute to decision making. Take responsibility for specific projects or activities to promote the association within their term.

9-10. Appointed positions to manage systems and email lists

11. Immediate Past President

Candidates should also familiarise themselves formal statement of duties and responsibilities in the Association’s by-laws

Only a member of AoIR can run for a position, nominated by anyone. If nominated for more than one position a nominee must choose to run for one (and only one) position in this election. You may nominate yourself or another person (or people).

Self Nominations: Email and indicate the position for which you are nominating and you will be added to the list of nominees. Please provide, in your nomination email a short candidate statement addressing the questions below.

Nominating Others: Email with the name of the person you want to nominate, the position for which you are nominating this person, contact information for that person, and an indication of whether you know if this person would accept this nomination (if you don’t know, we’ll contact them and ask).

All candidates for election will be required to provide answers to the questions listed at the end of this email, have the answers posted to the AoIR election forum website, and participate in an online candidate forum.

In addition the Graduate Student candidates must confirm in their response that they comply with the by-laws: the Graduate Student Representative must be actively enrolled in a degree program at the time of nomination and election and intends to be enrolled for the coming northen academic year (defined to be September 2007-June 2008)

The voting system used by AoIR is one vote per member for each of the seven positions for election listed above. Votes are counted by a ballot counter who is a member of the Association but not a member of the executive. In the case of the four officers, the candidate with the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner; in the case of the open seats, the three candidates with the highest, second-highest and third highest votes shall be declared the winners of the open seats. In the case of the Graduate Student representative, the candidate with the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner

In the case of tied results for the officer positions, the winner shall be determined by the ballot counter, by drawing of lots, using a method that ensures each of the tying candidates has an equal chance of success and witnessed by at least 1 person independent of the association. In the case of tied results for the open seat positions, the drawing of lots shall be used only when there are more tied candidates than seats available.


1) What is your interest in this position?
2) What are your qualifications for this position (including prior experience and participation in AoIR)?
3) What are two or three short-term goals you would like to achieve through membership of the executive (include a rationale for each and how you would contribute to their achievement)?
4) What is your long-term vision for AoIR?
5) What else should voters consider when deciding whether or not to vote for you?

In answering the questions, please be concise and give information specific to the position
for which you are nominating and which will permit voters to assess your case for election to that position.