Travel Scholarship Recipient #AoIR2019 – Iyad Muhsen Al-Dajani

by | Sep 3, 2019 | Awards, Conferences

Each year a small portion of AoIR conference fees go toward several travel scholarships for junior scholars to attend the conference. We want to recognize our scholarship recipients and share with you a little bit about them and their research interests. 

Who are you? 
My twitter name @iyadDoudi but I use Facebook iyad Doudi
Linkdin profile:

Iyad Muhsen Al-Dajani has a Dr.Phill from Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. His doctoral research deals with Internet Communication Technology (ICT) for Reconciliation; A Phronetic Netnography in Applied Internet Research Methodologies.

His research explores the role of social digital networks on promoting a reconciliation process in the middle of conflict altering Internet Communication Technologies for that purpose. He researchers how ICTs can advance researches on scale for social change towards reconciliation process, He researches the phenomenology of Internet Communication Technology in Applied Phronesis for Internet research methodologies and studies its implications on achieving a reconciliation process in the middle of conflict.

He has a B.Scs. in computer science from Al-Quds University and a Master Degree in regional Studies – American Studies and a Web Master Developer certificate from HackerU University in Tel-Aviv and a Dr.Phill from Friedrich Schiller University.

Where are you from?
Jerusalem, now living in Jena and working at the Jena Centre for Reconciliation Studies as a Scholar in Internet research methodologies.

What is your current area of study?
Applied Phronesis in internet research methodologies, and developing internet communication technology research with social sciences, and advanced digital humanities research.

Describe the research you will present at #AoIR2019.

Title: The phenomenology of Internet Communication Technologies in applied Phronesis towards social change.

The research is an interdisciplinary research that focuses on digital humanities, in integrating social sciences into technologies, furthermore integrating applied ethics into technologies for social change. The use Internet communication technology for social change towards a social transformation process in the middle of conflicts. The research describes how ICT can develop change within society for a better understanding of the enemy, and the role ICT can play to develop a change in policies to affect change in political decisions. Also the research would describe Internet Research Methodologies as in qualitative and quantitative approaches for social network analysis.

I would present the theoretical framework that I have developed for social change using ICT. I call it the phenomenology of ICT in Phronetic Social Science. But I’m working now on publishing my book and there is a whole chapter about it.

Have you presented at AoIR in the past?  If yes, what has been your experience? If this is your first AoIR conference, what made you choose this conference? What do you expect from it?
No. This is my second time to attend the AOIR conference but I didn’t present anything at the first time, but would like to present if this is possible. This is quite my field, I’m expert in social network analysis using Nvivo for windows. I want to develop a more understand of the term. I would also want to network with other scholars in my field on Internet Research Methodologies.