#AoIR2022 Special Issue of ICS is out

by | Nov 1, 2023 | Community, Publications | 0 comments

Every year, AoIR in conjunction with the journal, Information, Communication & Society publishes a special issue of the best work presented at our conference. As we all catch our breath from the fantastic event that was #AoIR2023, you are invited to browse the special issue drawing from work presented at #AoIR2022 in Dublin, where the conference theme was “Decolonising the internet”.

We are extremely grateful to our Guest Editors—Andrew Illiadis, Eugenia Siapera and Tetanya Lokot—for their hard work in bringing this wonderful special issue together, and thank IC&S for their ongoing support and partnership.

The issue is available here: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rics20/26/12

This is the table of contents:

Iliadis A, Siapera E and Lokot T (2023) Decolonising the internet: an introduction to the #AoIR2022 special issue. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2369–2375.

Marshall A, Osman K, Rogers J, et al. (2023) Connecting in the Gulf: exploring digital inclusion for Indigenous families on Mornington Island. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2376–2397.

Lewis K (2023) Colonising the narrative space: unliveable lives, unseeable struggles and the necropolitical governance of digital populations. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2398–2418.

Gagliardone I, Pohjonen M, Diepeveen S, et al. (2023) Clones and zombies: rethinking conspiracy theories and the digital public sphere through a (post)-colonial perspective. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2419–2438.

Cheong N, Johns A and Byron P (2023) Queering the ‘resourcing’ of LGBTQ+ young people in the Asia Pacific. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2439–2456.

Morales E and Reilly K (2023) The unhomed data subject: negotiating datafication in Latin America. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2457–2471.

Lee J and Ahn C (2023) Colonizers in the neighborhood: a critical discourse analysis of Nextdoor users’ postracial strategies. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2472–2487.

Strand C and Svensson J (2023) Challenging the legacy of the past and present intimate colonialization – a study of Ugandan LGBT+ activism in times of shrinking communicative space. Information, Communication & Society 26(12). Routledge: 2488–2505.