Submitting Final IR Paper for SPIR

by | Jun 15, 2011 | Community, Conferences

This year, full papers submitted for the Internet Research conference (IR12.0, Seattle) will be published in an open access online collection: Selected Papers in Internet Research (ISSN forthcoming). Submission is not required, but will help to publicize the work of our members and introduce our research to a wider audience.

Submissions must be received no later than 15 July 2011, and must adhere to the following guidelines and template:

Final papers should be submitted no later than the 15th of July. To upload your paper, log in to ConfTool, choose “Your Submissions” from the menu, and click on the highlighted “Final Upload” on the right side of your paper title.

If you have any questions, please contact Suely Fragoso, SPIR Editor ( or Alex Halavais, AoIR Vice President (