AoIR Book Award 2013

by | Aug 7, 2013 | Awards, Conferences

It gives us great pleasure to announce the winner of the 2013 AoIR Book Award, which celebrates an outstanding book published in the previous year that addresses issues relating to our field.

The book is Julie E. Cohen’s “Configuring the networked self : Law, code, and the play of everyday practice,” published by Yale University Press (Amazon).

The committee noted that the book was well organized and written in an accessible style, while remaining provocative. They appreciated the grounding of the argument in user practice, and Cohen’s ability to account for the reality of decentered subjectivity and creativity.

I want to thank the committee for their time and careful attention to many submissions in a short amount of time. Thank you, Steve Jones, T.L. Taylor, and Klaus Bruhn Jensen for taking on the task.

And congratulations to Prof. Cohen on her contribution to the field.