Submission Information

Information for submitting:
Traditional Papers
Preconstituted Panels

Doctoral Colloquium

Accepted paper and panel submissions will be included in our open access conference paper archive, Selected Papers of Internet Research (SPIR). SPIR helps us further publicize the work of our members and introduce our research to a wider audience. All paper and panel submissions must therefore follow our SPIR formatting requirements, which includes a consistent header and style format for the papers that will enable readers to easily locate author and title information, and identify the papers as part of the AoIR conference. This format is only intended to bring consistency to basic elements (such as typeface and spacing), not to impose any disciplinary constraints. You can download the Submission Template here.

To learn more about how submissions are reviewed, please read more here.

Most other types of submissions require only an abstract to be entered into ConfTool. Full instructions for each of the submission types are below.

In the interest of diversity and collegiality, each conference participant is limited to presenting one individual paper and one paper in a panel. You can be a co-author on additional papers, but you must not be the scheduled presenter of these papers. Please do not submit as a presenter for any more papers than this, to allow everyone an opportunity to participate in the conference.

Traditional papers: Paper submissions should articulate the issue or research question to be discussed, the methodological or critical framework used, and indicate the findings or conclusions to be presented and/or the relevance to wider conference themes. Papers can present any kind of research or analysis, but should be written so that the importance of the work can be understood by reviewers working in different disciplines or using different approaches. Cross- or trans-disciplinary work is especially encouraged. Presentations at the conference are generally intended to be dynamic, and provide a broad overview of the scholarship being engaged, with the hope of generating useful conversation.

Paper submissions must be made in the form of 1200-word extended abstracts, including references. They must adhere to AoIR’s pre-formatted template and should give an indication as to the consistency, rigor and relevance of the work. Further, in addition to the extended abstract document, you will also be required to enter a brief abstract of 250 words in the ConfTool website, which will be used to list your panel in the conference program. Paper submissions should not include the names of authors: all paper submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed.

  • Initial extended abstract submissions should not include the names of authors: all extended abstract submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed.
  • Extended abstract should be approximately 1000-1200 words including references.
  • Keeping in mind the interdisciplinary nature of this conference, you should provide enough explanation of your approach to give reviewers with different backgrounds an understanding of the rigor and relevance of the work.
  • Please provide a 250 word abstract (summary) into the ConfTool “abstract” box for the program.
  • ALL presenting authors must be registered by the Early Registration Deadline of 1 Aug 2021.
  • Accepted, non-blind, final version of the extended abstract must be uploaded by 1 Aug 2021.

Traditional Paper Submission Deadline:  Extended to 15 April 2021
Submissions Open

Preconstituted panels: Panels should present a coherent group of papers on a single theme. It is recommended that panels include four papers, although submissions of three to five papers will also be considered.

Panel submissions must include one 1200-word extended abstract, including references, in the standard AoIR paper submission template, for each of the constituent papers. The panel organizer is responsible for compiling the extended abstracts for each constituent paper into one single document for submission, and must add a brief introductory statement (600-800 words) articulating the papers’ relationship to each other. This statement should outline the overall rationale for the panel, referring to the key scholarly or public debates it addresses and outlining the contribution it makes. Further, in addition to this document collecting the introductory statement and the three to five extended abstracts, you will also be required to enter a brief abstract of 250 words in the ConfTool website, which will be used to list your panel in the conference program. Panel submissions should not include the names of participating authors or panel convenors: all panel submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed.

  • Initial extended abstract submissions should not include the names of authors: all extended abstract submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed.
  • Extended abstract should be approximately 1000-1200 words including references.
  • Keeping in mind the interdisciplinary nature of this conference, you should provide enough explanation of your approach to give reviewers with different backgrounds an understanding of the rigor and relevance of the work.
  • Please provide a 250 word abstract (summary) into the ConfTool “abstract” box for the program.
    • The presenting authors of ALL papers in the panel must be registered by the Early Bird Registration Deadline of 1 Aug. 2021.
  • Accepted, non-blind, final version of the extended abstract must be uploaded by 1 Aug 2021.

In the interest of diversity and collegiality, each conference participant is limited to presenting one individual paper and one paper in a panel. You can be a co-author on additional papers, but you must not be the scheduled presenter of these papers. Please do not submit as a presenter for any more papers than this, to allow everyone an opportunity to participate in the conference.

Panel Submission Deadline: Extended to 15 April 2021
Submissions Open

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Doctoral Colloquium: The Association of Internet Researchers believes that its emerging researchers are the best in its disparate constituent fields. In keeping with its commitment to students’ scholarship, we continue the tradition of bringing emerging and established scholars together through the #AoIR2021 Doctoral Colloquium. The colloquium offers PhD students working in internet research or related fields a special, day-long forum, to be convened in October 2021 (details will be provided soon). For many years, this pre-conference event has provided students with the opportunity to spend a concentrated amount of time with senior scholars to share research projects, address methodological and theoretical challenges, and exchange informal advice on juggling the multiple pressures associated with job searching, publishing, and finishing the dissertation.

Interested students should prepare a) a two-page summary of their research. This should provide a context for the research, describe the methods being used, the progress to date, and primary concerns and issues; and b) a brief statement indicating why they want to participate in this doctoral colloquium and what they hope to get out of it. These are due on or before 15 June 2021. For further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the doctoral colloquium chair at AoIRDCchair [at] aoir [dot] org.

The colloquium chairs: TBA

Doctoral Colloquium Submission Deadline: 15 June 2021
Submission Open

Submissions for AoIR2021 Doctoral Colloquium will open 15 Jan 2021.

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Contact Information

Please address any questions to the Program Chair, Adrienne Shaw, Temple University,  AoIRConfChair [at] aoir [dot] org.