Call for Self-Nominations: AoIR Award Committees

by | Feb 5, 2015 | Awards, Community

Each year, AoIR presents three awards at its annual meeting: the Best Student Paper Award, the AoIR Dissertation Award, and the Nancy Baym Annual Book Award. (You can find more information about these awards here.)

We are calling for self-nominations to serve on the committees for those awards. Committee members must be members of AoIR. For the Dissertation Award, we are looking for people who have experience mentoring doctoral students through the dissertation process. For the Book Award, we are seeking people who have themselves published a book-length work. The Dissertation Award and Book Award committees generally start work at the beginning of April. The Best Student Paper Award committee will begin work around the end of June. All committees will need to complete their deliberations by the end of July.

If you are interested in helping us select the winners of these awards, please send the following information to – ac [at] aoir [dot] org – no later than February 15:

  • Your name and institutional affiliation.
  • The award committee for which you are nominating yourself.
  • A description of any experience on award committees and/or other relevant experience.
  • Please also indicate whether you would be willing to chair the committee.

If you have any questions about these committees or the awards process, please contact us!