Call for nominations: 2016 AoIR Dissertation Award

The Association of Internet Researchers calls for submissions for the 2016 AoIR Dissertation Award. To be eligible for the AoIR Dissertation Award, a PhD dissertation in the area of internet research must have been filed in the 2015 calendar year. Nominations (self...

Call for Self-Nominations: AoIR Award Committees

Each year, AoIR presents three awards at its annual meeting: the Best Student Paper Award, the AoIR Dissertation Award, and the Nancy Baym Annual Book Award. (You can find more information about these awards here.) We are calling for self-nominations to serve on the...

2014 AoIR Dissertation Award

I am very pleased to announce the recipient of the 2014 AoIR Dissertation Award: "From Farm to Farmville: Circulation, Adoption, and Use of ICT between Urban and Rural China” by Dr. Elisa Oreglia. Dr. Oreglia received her PhD in Information Management and Systems from...