We are pleased to announce the fourth annual AoIR award for the best book published in internet research. This award seeks to recognize the best work in our field, and highlight the breadth of work that is done relating to the social and cultural dimensions of...
AoIR Book Award 2013
It gives us great pleasure to announce the winner of the 2013 AoIR Book Award, which celebrates an outstanding book published in the previous year that addresses issues relating to our field. The book is Julie E. Cohen's "Configuring the networked self : Law, code,...
AoIR Book Award Nominations
For the third year, AoIR will present an award for the best book published in internet research. This award seeks to recognize the best work in our field, and highlight the breadth of work that is done relating to the social and cultural dimensions of networked media....
2012 AoIR Book Award
It gives us great pleasure to announce the winner of this year's book award: Jason Farman for his book Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media. In addition, the committee selected for honorable mention Thomas Streeter's The Net Effect: Romanticism,...
Dissertation Award 2012
We are pleased to announce the recipient of AoIR's first annual Dissertation Award. The author of the award-winning dissertation, titled "Youth and the Generation of Political Consciousness Online," is Jessica L. Beyer. Beyer received her PhD from the Department of...
2012 Dissertation Award
The Association of Internet Researchers is pleased to announce a new award for best PhD dissertation in the area of internet-related research. To be eligible for the 2012 AoIR Dissertation Award, the dissertation must have been filed in the 2011 calendar year. In...
AoIR Book Award
For the second year, AoIR will award for the best book published in internet research. This award seeks to recognize the best work in our field, and highlight the breadth of work that is done relating to the social and cultural dimensions of networked media. We will...
AoIR Book Award
We are happy to announce that AoIR has instituted a new award to recognize excellence in internet-related scholarship. In creating this award, we want to extend AoIR's reach, recognizing and promoting excellent research that goes beyond conference presentations....