2016 Best Student Paper Award

The Best Student Paper Award goes to Paula Kiel for her paper The emerging practices of the collective afterlife: multimodal analysis of websites for post-mortem digital interaction. The program committee was particularly impressed by the contribution's strong...

Call for Self-Nominations: AoIR Award Committees

Each year, AoIR presents three awards at its annual meeting: the Best Student Paper Award, the AoIR Dissertation Award, and the Nancy Baym Annual Book Award. (You can find more information about these awards here.) We are calling for self-nominations to serve on the...

Announcing IR15 Best Student Paper Award

The IR15 Conference Committee is pleased to announce that this year’s Best Student Paper award goes to Rodrigo Davies from MIT for his paper “Three Provocations for Civic Crowdfunding.” Davies' paper takes a thoughtful approach to considering crowdfunding strategies...