We are excited to announce Catherine Knight-Steele's Digital Black Feminism as the 2022 AoIR Nancy Baym Book Award winner. Digital Black Feminism reclaims feminism for Black women and directly intervenes in Internet scholarship. The book is historically informed,...
AoIR2022 Travel Scholarship Application Information
In order to increase the diversity of participation in the annual AoIR conferences, the Association of Internet Researchers makes available several conference fee waivers and travel stipends per year. Applications are invited from authors whose proposals have already...
2022 AoIR Dissertation Award Nominations
The Association of Internet Researchers calls for submissions for the 2022 AoIR Dissertation Award. To be eligible for the AoIR Dissertation Award, a PhD dissertation in the area of internet research must have been filed in the 2021 calendar year. Nominations (self...
2022 Nancy Baym Book Award Nominations
We are pleased to call for nominations for the Nancy Baym Annual Book Award. This award recognizes the best scholarship of the Association of Internet Researchers, and highlights the breadth of work relating to the social and cultural dimensions of networked media. To...
Student Paper Award for #AoIR2021
The Student Paper Award for the #AoIR2021 Virtual Conference goes to Nomy Bitman for her paper, “Rethinking Visibility, Personalization and Representation: Disability Activism in Social Media.” The paper was reviewed amongst the 75 accepted student papers and is...
2021 Nancy Baym Book Award Winner
It is our great pleasure to announce that the Nancy Baym Book Award committee has chosen Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures (2020 NYU Press) by André Brock, Jr., as this year’s winner. Distributed Blackness is a joyful exploration of Black...
2021 Best Dissertation Award
The Best Dissertation Award for 2021 goes to Dr. Niki Cheong for "Cybertrooping and the Online Manipulation of Political Communication in Malaysia: The Barisan Nasional Years." Congratulations, Dr. Cheong! Dr. Cheong's dissertation on cybertrooping in Malaysia is a...
2021 Nancy Baym Book Award Nominations
We are pleased to call for nominations for the Nancy Baym Annual Book Award. This award recognizes the best scholarship of the Association of Internet Researchers, and highlights the breadth of work relating to the social and cultural dimensions of networked media. To...
2021 AoIR Dissertation Award Nominations
The Association of Internet Researchers calls for submissions for the 2021 AoIR Dissertation Award. To be eligible for the AoIR Dissertation Award, a PhD dissertation in the area of internet research must have been filed in the 2020 calendar year. Nominations (self...
Report on the #AoIR2020 conference
Read about the awards given at the AoIR2020_AGM_Presentation This is what many virtual conferences look like. And these images are two of many from the #AoIR2020 conference. So what was different about AoIR2020? Here’s how...